Indie publishing is the new cool thing, but there’s still a genre where reaching readers with indie works is really tough: middle grade. But children’s authors are passionate about what they write, and passionate about reaching their young readers. This passion shows in the Emblazoner’s group of 20 indie MG authors (of which I’m a member). We recently went in on an ad in Middle Shelf magazine, an online mag that spotlights cool reads for kids. Here’s what the ad will look like:
When Michelle Isenhoff isn’t writing imaginary adventures, she’s probably off on one. She loves roller coasters, big waves, big dogs, high school football games, old graveyards, and wearing flip-flops all winter. You can find out more at her website.

Elise Stokes lives with her husband and four children. She was an elementary school teacher before becoming a full-time mom. With a daughter in middle school and two in high school, Elise’s understanding of the challenges facing girls in that age range inspired her to create a series that will motivate girls to value individualism, courage, integrity, and intelligence. The stories in Cassidy Jones Adventures are fun and relatable, and a bit edgy without taking the reader uncomfortably out of bounds. Cassidy Jones and the Secret Formula, Cassidy Jones and Vulcan’s Gift, and Cassidy Jones and the Seventh Attendant are the first three books in the series. Book Four, Cassidy Jones and the Luminous, will be released in 2014. You can find more at her website.
Mikey Brooks is an author/illustrator, freelance cover designer, daddy of three girls, and a dreamer. He’s published several books including the bestselling ABC Adventures: Magical Creatures as well as The Dream Keeper Chronicles. You can find more at his website.